Real Beauty with FD
Welcome to Real Beauty with FD, a place where we discuss what beauty means to us! Whether it’s a product that sells out every second around the world or a cult classic to discussing body positively to building incredible brands! We are here to find YOUR little black dress in skincare, make-up and more importantly promoting happiness within your own skin and owning it! Each episode I’m bringing in a new personality to discuss all things beauty and touch on their inspiring stories.
Real Beauty with FD
Season 5 Real Beauty: Happy Thanksgiving to all. This is the time to take a moment to seek gratitude and thanks
Hit me up at @choosandfashiondoos
Hey friends, happy Thanksgiving. I'm breaking up the usual routine just to say how much I'm thankful for you all for continuing to bear with While I navigate my podcast journey. Since my very first episode in January of 2021. It has been such a fun. Eye opening journey for me, all the gas that I spoken to you, but I certainly wouldn't be doing this if it wasn't for all of you active listeners and all of them. Great feedback and comments. And I have received through this journey. So knowing that. You know, it has been a task couple of years. I feel like when can we stop saying that after COVID. And certainly for me personally, this year has not been the easiest. And I know from some of my friends out there that, you know, there are certain things that they kind of struggled with, whether from, you know, Uh, like emotionally to, you know, physically kind of going through things. So, um, I just wanted to kind of dedicate this episode that I appreciate you all. And I have gratitude for everyone. Amazing. That's in my life. That continues to inspire me daily from my colleagues at work to my incredible friends, to. My awesome husband. My beautiful. Darren Luna rose, who continues to just. Like I'm an off her daily and just her questions and her amazing personality. Um, So. I think. If I can ask you to do anything of this day. Outside of the incredible food, don't feel guilty about it. Um, make sure you pop some champagne. Or whatever your beverage of choice But if I can say anything, it's just take 10 minutes. Just out away from your friends and family. And just truly sit down and if you have a piece of paper or using notes in your phone and just write down the things that you are grateful for, and it can be tiny things like. You're grateful that you have a job or that you have a roof over your head, or you're grateful for. Your friends or even something more specific that, you know, people are kind of bringing me into your life. But I think just having these moments of just feeling grateful and appreciating it, I feel like we need to do this more. So this is my reminder to each of you to do that today. And enjoy yourself. Make sure you have the opportunity to disconnect. Um, you know, yes, we work so much and it's great. It helps kind of pay for the things in our life that I'm sure some of us are grateful for. But that's not everything it's ensuring that. Again, you're taking time out for yourself and you were giving yourself the self-love that you decide that you deserve. So, anyway, that is just my little. Pint that I wanted to make. Here's my little reminder. So happy Thanksgiving. And I will see you all next week with episode 12. Bye.