Real Beauty with FD
Welcome to Real Beauty with FD, a place where we discuss what beauty means to us! Whether it’s a product that sells out every second around the world or a cult classic to discussing body positively to building incredible brands! We are here to find YOUR little black dress in skincare, make-up and more importantly promoting happiness within your own skin and owning it! Each episode I’m bringing in a new personality to discuss all things beauty and touch on their inspiring stories.
Real Beauty with FD
Season 5 Real Beauty with FD: Part 2 continues to speak about fashion, beauty and lots of incredible tips featuring Carly from C.Style
Hit me up @choosandfashiondoos
Welcome back to real beauty with FD. This is episode eight and I am officially. 34. It was my birthday yesterday. And. I've no idea where time is going, but I'm like two weeks behind. With releasing this episode. So I need to do better. Maybe being 34, I will have my shit together. I guess we will So I'm super excited about continuing my conversation with Carly. And before we dive straight back in, I wanted to mention a couple of things. Firstly every year on my birthday, this is now like my kind of Texas birthday tradition. My husband takes me to Kendra Scott. And I get to pick. Basically whatever I want, knowing that you get like 50% off or if it's find your rate, which of course is typically what I'm drawn to. It is 25% off. Well yesterday. I was able to get to I AM's and both of which I got discounts. So thank you so much, Kendra Scott, normally it's just one piece. Um, so I will take that. Definitely starting this year out. Well, And also I went to Memorial city mall, so it's one of our malls just in, um, kind of just outside of downtown Houston. And I went to lush and I love that store. And I don't know why. I never think to kind of shop there online. But anytime I see one, I go in and like the smells there's just overwhelming. What they have. So I was talking to one of the consultants telling him how much I love face mass, like religiously, but I just don't love this new trend of like sheet mass. I will say, I feel I'm probably going against what everyone else believes. But I'm over Give me a normal, fresh face mask any day over a sheet mask. So he recommended two, well, actually he recommended one, but I was just so fixated on the chocolate one that, um, he was like, it's good as well. So. So I bought the don't look at me face mask. And oh my gosh, it is amazing. I used it yesterday and I feel like it just gave me. Whole new radiant skin. Um, so I highly recommend it. Plus it is made fresh. And you basically put it into the fridge. So highly recommend that one and the other one. I'm sorry, my baby girl, who's no longer a baby. She is how old. Four. She's four and a half and she's aging for me too. Go play with her. And I told her I would be a couple of minutes and I'm committed to finishing this pod. Yeah. So what do we say? No. We're going to do this in two minutes. Um, so what's mama got in her face. And that has, is it a chocolate lung? Yes. Yes. And it is so damn delicious. Of course I haven't tasted it. But, oh my gosh, it smells ridiculously great. Um, no. Can you smell it? Was this my love. Chocolate smells so good. It smells bad to you. I seen. And show girls and oh gosh. Okay. Well maybe we'll, we'll need to try that little mixture. Um, and then lastly, before I finish one of the shops that I freaking adore is Zara. So I'm mad at. Oh, yeah. Y'all no sprinkles. Um, so I love that and they have a great collection in right now. So. Again, I was able to sneak into the mall the other day. Um, and I bought a couple of great, great pieces, including a kind of camel. Waistcoat and, oh my God, I love it. I feel like I'm going to be wearing it all through fall and winter. So anyway, without further ado, I'm going to stop talking. And get a finish to me and the little couplet are going to go play. She's currently trying on so much stuff in my wardrobe. Um, which is great. Gives me a little bit of anxiety, but it's Um, so yeah, I hope you enjoy this. Um, second part of the episode with Carly. Um, and yeah, we will be back next week. Yes. Quote me on that. We will be back next week. Um with episode nine thanks bye
francene:So switching gears slightly, and I know we mentioned Carrie Bradshaw, so she has definitely been. Oh my gosh. Such an influence from a fashion standpoint. I'm obsessed with Jimmy, Choose Manolos because of her, obviously the necklace. And I feel like I grew up watching her constantly push the boundaries. And even now I love, you know, I just finished and just like that. And she's in her like late fifties. And I love it more, being able to be like, Yes, where will you want? Yes, continue your style. And I know that there's been a lot of like uproar on, you know, how they all look and whatever. And when I'm talking to my girlfriends, I'm like, um, they're mid fifties to six days. Like, come on. Yes. If I'm gonna look like that, I'd be like, Um, yes. And I feel like we're. You know the point you went with the magazines and the circling, I feel like it embeds in us that we can't help but be judgmental about others. But anyway, I've completely de deterred that question. What I meant to ask was who's been your influences, um, and has it changed
carly:over the years? So, My influence probably early on was my mom. She had great style. She was an artist, um, graphic designer and she really loved style. Um, and then my aunt, um, her sister also had great style and really my family still is probably my biggest inspiration. We. We love to get dressed. We just do. It's our, it's like our art. Like, I mean, when my cousin, when I see my cousin, I'm like, Oh my gosh, love how you put this, this, this. Like, it's just what we do and we love it. And, um, there's never been any like, it's, it's our creative outlet, It's our art. And I, there's never been anything like, we didn't dress for anybody else. We dress for ourselves. And that was always, that was always something that was kind. Part of growing up for me. Yeah. Science. I mean, my mom and I would go shopping all the time, um, at night, um, when I probably should have been doing my homework but she liked to shop, so I was like, Okay. Um, anyway, and we would go to the mall and I have really good, good memories of that. But, um, so. I think probably every day people are my biggest inspiration. Like, I mean, I'm sure you're the same way when you're like sitting at lunch and you see somebody go by and you're like, Yeah, dang, that's cute. Or, you know. Um, so, but I also do, I of course, um, I love, I I love like kind of. Fashion icons, meaning like they have like, um, Diane Von Frenburg, I always quotes. Um, and then, uh, Iris Appel, and I don't even know if I'm saying her name right. Um, you Diane? Uh, no. Iris Appel. Oh, I can't tell. Anyway, that's to say Yes. Okay. So she, you know, she's the gal with the big glasses and she lives in New York and she. Where was she? She's on, anyway, she, she has like amazing, like really her own style and it's just, uh, like I don't, I think she just, she's like, Oh,
francene:I know who you mean. I just Googled. Yes. Okay. Yes.
carly:She was in the textile industry. Yes. Uh, originally like, like her fabrics were in the White House. And anyway, I, And if you go and you look at their quotes, like, It, it, it's like all very like way deep. Like it's not really. So I think that that really inspires me.
francene:Yeah. No, that's, that's fair. No, I love that. Um, has there been any like iconic looks or maybe non, uh, like iconic that has also kind of influenced your fashion? And I say that like, I'm not the biggest fan of Kim Kardashian, but when she started wearing, um, like the kinda skirts are like leather skirts and then like the body suit, that's my staple. I have so many body suits. I love leather skirts. Like I just love that look that I always incorporate. I always go back to that look now.
carly:Yes. Um, I'm glad you mentioned her because I think she gets a bad rap. Um, I love what she's done for women's fashion. Yeah. And I knew her body, and I know people like, like we don't need to get into like objectifying a woman and all that, but I do love that she owns her curves. Oh yeah. And, and she's made an industry off of it and I think like, like hello. Like, anyway.
francene:And Kims is amazing. I don't know if you thought any, but I literally have. Six body suits
carly:now, and it's okay. No, I haven't and I'm gonna go do that.
francene:Oh, trust me, I tell everyone about it. I'm obsessed with her and body suits in particular.
carly:Okay. Yeah, because I, um, you know, I, I'm used to the old Spanx, the old, you know. Yes. So I'm gonna do it. I'm gonna go in. Okay. Um, so. So fashion icon. You know, it's funny cuz you know, like as you grow, like things change. But I remember when I was young, Carolyn Bassett Kennedy yeah. Was definitely kind of my, um, I loved her like very. Minimal. It's kind of like a Calvin Klein look. Mm-hmm. very classic, but it wasn't, I love that. It wasn't really, really, really frilly. But then as I've gotten older, I've really love my femininity and I think it's really fun to be a woman, and I love to have fun with it. And so then it's kind of, that's kind, I don't know. So I, I will have to say I have learned this about myself. The reason I think I'm a stylist is because I like a whole bunch of styles and so like literally step into a client's, like I feel like I can step into their style. I'm like, Oh, they like this kind. Okay, this is gonna be fun and we'll do this. So like any given day, like I could feel, I could feel like, Oh, I'm gonna like step into this and then I'm gonna step into this. So, I like it all.
francene:That's fun's so good though. Cuz I feel like, like I'm not, like, I love, I love looking at different fashions, but I feel like I'm so set sometimes and even like my color scheme. And then I know with myself when I'm recommending things for like, you know, like my girlfriends or family, I will still stick to the same color scheme that I like. And it's like camel color. It's like beige. Khaki black. I'm legit. Like all my stuff is the same. Yes. So. Someone like me, like how do you get out of that kind of loyalty for that specific color? Cause I hear all the time from people, they're like, Why don't you wear blue? I don't have anything blue, nothing Navy. And I'm like, Why
carly:Well, I would, you know, honestly, I would encourage you that I think it's great that you have a point of view and you have a style and you have a color. Yeah. Like I. Think that's awesome. Like for someone who doesn't, like I'm looking at going, Oh, wouldn't that be
francene:great? Like, But I feel the opposite. I'm looking and you're like, Oh man, I wish I was more open. No, I
carly:mean I think that that's just it. Like, I think I know this about myself, like that's why I love styling people cuz like I can like get in and then like all these like random styles I like I can use for like Yeah. You know? Um, but I love that you. Love a certain color and like love a certain style. Like I think that's awesome because that's Francine. Like I just think that that. I don't know. So yeah,
francene:I do. But don't you think sometimes when you see, like Anna Winter for ex for example, cause sometimes I'm like, Man, I wish you would just put her hair up. Or, you know, just do something like different Yeah. Okay. Yes. You know, I'm not that extreme. I, I do, I mix it up. Okay. Yes.
carly:And I now I feel like she's just, it's like, that's like her. It is, Yeah. It's like her look. Yeah. Um, I don't, Okay. Have you ever done your colors? No. What is that like? Gotten your colors done? No. Okay. This, this, maybe this will help you This is like a very, um, Well, I'll just tell you what it is. So, um, my friend actually, Britney, Brittany does this. So you go to her and she will put like all these colors around your face? Yeah. Like swats? Yeah. Like she'll put blue and she'll put red, and then she'll do like yellow, and then she'll like hold it up to you and you're like looking in the mirror and then you can see what colors look good on you. And she keeps doing it. And like I'm talking like 500 swatches, like it is crazy. Oh wow. And then she'll pull it away and then she'll put it, and then she's. Then, so anyway, there's like all these, there's these four color profiles. I think it's like winter, autumn, spring, and summer. Yeah. Yeah. And then you can know what colors look best on you. Oh my
francene:gosh. So
carly:I will say like, like for me, genius. I loved knowing it. Like okay, for instance, like if I'm gonna splurge on something or like, like, um, if I need a dress and I need to look phenomenal, then I will like go, Okay, I'll go and look for like specifically my colors. Yeah. Um, but. I don't like really do it day to day. But my sister, on the other hand, she absolutely loves knowing her colors because she finds stores totally overwhelming. And so, yeah. Yeah, knowing my colors, she was like, It makes shopping so fun for me because it like just whittles it down. I was like, Oh,
francene:I've never thought of that. So, oh my gosh, I'm so doing this. And now I'm just, I have curiosity too. I'd be so interested to see, like, is it the same as the colors I would think, or would this be an avenue to open up my, um, thought
carly:process, you know? Yeah. Um, it could, it could, but I will say, If you like a certain color. Yeah. And it's not colors. Promise me you'll still wear it.
francene:Oh, I will. Don't worry. But I'm so like, like I said, khaki, but like green is like my go-to color. Okay. To the point where, My colleagues will be like, Oh, she's very green again. I'm like, Yeah, yay, You know, you're staying consistent that help it I know. Um, so what about when you are looking at, um, especially when you're styling people and also yourself, so you have the look in mind, you know, you pull together those different fabrics, textures. Do you also see it from like a makeup standpoint and hair, or like how do you pull all of that together and how important do you think it is to pull that together?
carly:Um, that's, I've never been asked that and I think that's fascinating because most of my clients don't have makeup on when I'm doing, when I'm helping them. Oh, right. Yeah. They're just like, Cuz like, they're like, Well, we're going shopping. Yeah. Like, Yeah. Like, or you're coming into my closet, so, you know. Yeah. I mean, I have a standing client that just answers the door in the row because she's like, I mean, I know I'm gonna just trying on stuff. I love that. I love that. Um, which actually I, I'm totally good with because I don't know, like I, I think that the hair and the makeup is like just cherry. Right. Yeah. Yeah. Um, um, but I, I, I will say that when I'm getting myself dressed and if I'm helping a client with like an event, I like, it does matter if you wear your hair up or down because yeah, you wanna be able to see something. Or if you're wearing big earrings or. Yeah. So I do think hair and makeup matters for big events. And then for myself, I do do my makeup differently for different looks. Right. Like, um, so I do, yeah, I guess it matters, but not a ton. Like Yeah,
francene:to your point, it just compliments yes. Everything else. Yeah. So I, I'm curious with this. When you're picking an outfit for yourself, what is the first piece that you will typically pick and then do you find stuff around it? Mm-hmm. like what's your, Because I'm always shoes. And then I'm like, How can I get everything to tie with the shoes? Even though sometimes the shoes are an awkward color? I'm like, I'm gonna make this
carly:work. I love that That's so fun. Like I, um, I actually, it's based on like, It's all practicality. Yeah. So like, um, what I'm doing that day, like if I'm, like, yesterday I was at the Galleria for seven hours and Yeah. Oh, amazing. Running, running, but tiring It was, it was so fun, but
carly:fun again and like, um. But I was like, Oh, I ha I have to wear tennis shoes. And then, And then, yeah, and then my client was like, I'm gonna be in casual. So of course like I'm not, I was like, I'll be in casual too. So I'm like, leggings, you know? So, yeah. I think for me it's not necessarily an item. It's kind of like how, like what are you doing, what I'm doing, but also how I'm feeling, which is probably not.
francene:No, that, Yeah, no, that's, that's fair. And you know, sometimes, especially more for work, I so say if I have, um, an important meeting or I'm meeting with management, I tend to stay away from breads. But I will pull out that red and I will put it on, or I'll wear red lips or I'll do something to have that stand out. Cuz I feel like sometimes it's like you fake it till you make it. Yes. So it makes me appear more confident than I actually inside. I'm quivering. Yes. And I'm like, well put on the red blazer. Hope for the best
carly:Yes, totally. And I do that too. I, um, I, I think that clothes and makeup, I just think it all. Add and yeah, I actually, I was, I heard a quote recently and I thought it was so fascinating. It was like, your style can be anything you want it to be, because if you wanna blend in, then it can be, you know, and if you wanna stand out, it could be. And I thought that was so insightful, because I think a lot of times people just assume style is like kind of outrageous, right? So true. Yeah. Um, but style can be. That you just want to fit in. That's how you feel comfortable. And that's okay and good, like
francene:yeah, it is. Yeah. And it's interest, but it's true. It's interesting how like some days you wear things. I maybe subconsciously to just blend in the background. You're like, I don't really wanna be seen today. Yes. I'm just gonna be like this. And then there are other days and trust me, I'm sure my colleagues, if they listen to this, they're like, Whoa, Francine's here. That's a lot. And you're at work.
carly:Okay. But you know what, you're like, Yes I am. And I feel good. You're, Yeah, I'm
carly:And I am ready for this day. Thank. And I will say so good during a very like, um, dark time and like I was really struggling sometimes putting on clothes like really helped, like Yeah. And making myself feel good on the outside helped. And then I think my inside caught up with it. And that was just kind of like the. Yeah, I, I
francene:understand that. I, I think it, yeah, regardless of your scenario, it's like sometimes when you just get up in the morning and you get changed and you get ready like you shower, that in itself is an achievement. You're like, Okay, I'm ready. Yes. Send me ready Yes. Um, okay, so I know we are, um, I, I don't wanna take up too much more of your time. We do have a quick fire around, but if I can ask you, um, what are your kind of go to fashion brands? Do you have go to fashion brands that you typically. Even if it staples, you're like, I know I'm always gonna get something quality there. Um, and the same with any like beauty brands. Do you have like your go-to, that you constantly have in rotation?
carly:Gosh, you know, um, brands have really changed for me. Um, and they change almost like yearly because then there's like these new brands that come up, which I think is really cool. Yeah, like so many I don't remember, you know? Growing up that there was like, like it was always like you would go to the mall and there would be like, you know, these certain like Calvin Klein and Yeah. Klein and you know, like it was just true Liz Clayborne and Ralph Lauren. And, and now what's so amazing is like you could start up a fashion brand, put it on the internet. People love it. I know. Boom. Yeah. So, I actually am constantly looking for new brands, and that's one of the things that I love to do because That's fine. I love that. Um, I think it's really hard for me to spend a lot of money on clothes. Yeah. But I like really cute clothes and I like good quality clothes, so I'm constantly looking for new brands that have, that offer cute things for. Insanely expensive. Yeah.
francene:But to have that quality, I think it exactly
carly:back to my, that wasn't a very good, but like my Payless, like it really did hurt. They just hurt. Like just is what it is. My shoes. Yeah.
francene:I totally get it. Um, and then from a beauty standpoint,
carly:Yeah, so I'm really
francene:bad at beauty. No, you're good. Well, your skin looks amazing. No,
carly:um, I'm really bad. In fact, um, I think Tanya Reiner my friend, would be appalled. I do, I do think. It com, like beauty and makeup compliments the outfit. And I do, I really do. And sometimes I think it can take the lead. Like I think your, your makeup can take the lead and then your outfit follow for sure. Um, and, but I always, my, my friend Tony Reiner, who's the makeup artist, I really, I defer to her because like, I feel like I am terrible. All things beauty. I mean, I love to hear all the new things and all the new makeup and whatever. Um, but I definitely defer to the experts. I'm really,
francene:I, I love the fact that you just said her name cuz I actually interviewed her a couple of months ago. Oh, she's amazing. Um, she is amazing. Oh my gosh. I found her on Instagram and yeah, like her makeup and just her thought process and yeah. Very, very impressive. Yes. Um, crazy small world.
carly:Well, I, So basically, I don't know because I just say, Tanya, what are you doing? And Tanya And you know what, also I do, I like pick my friends that like love makeup. I'm like, What are y'all using for your skincare? Yeah, I
francene:do that too. Yeah. Or I'm like, Whoa, your skin looks amazing. Right. Um, can you just tell me everything that you have on right now,
carly:That's exactly what I.
francene:This is what friends are for. Well let's do the quick buy rounds. So just say whatever pops into your,, head. So, favorite cocktail?
carly:Oh, sidecar. With a sugared rim. Oh, I've never had that. I will try it. You have to try it. You'll love it and
francene:try it. Okay, I will, I will try that.
carly:And don't, don't ask what's in it, because then you won't order it. Just say sidecar with a sugared
francene:rim, Okay. I will, I will say that. And hope for the best Um, who would play you in a movie?
carly:Oh, gosh. Oh, mm. Well, I only say this because my, um, husband and mother-in-law just sent me a text and was like, You look like faith. Oh, yes. And I, I didn't, I would never say that, but they were like, and then they were both going back and forth like, Oh yeah. And then they're like, they were showing more pictures. And I was like, ok. Like,
francene:okay, I'll take it. I'll take it. I'll take that call. Yes, please. Um, what's your most used emoji?
carly:Oh my gosh, I'm so old the like, Cry. Um, Laughing bass.
francene:Yes. I use that one all the time. That's my one actually. That the love heart. The the what? The love heart. Oh shit. I always send love hearts.
carly:Um, so my son is like, Mom, that's so old.
francene:Oh really? Oh, I live
carly:to you. That all fun. I like to use that like laughing emoji is like really? Oh, are we just lame then? Yeah, Apparently,
francene:Apparently. Uh, if you were a sex and say character, who would you?
carly:Um, well, my style, I would want it to be like Carrie, but I think I'm kind of like Charlotte.
francene:Yeah, I, yeah. My personality is like Charlotte for sure. Yeah. Yeah. I, I would wanna be like Carrie, um, with a touch of Samantha, but I'm a hundred percent Charlotte Yes. I've accepted it now. Yeah. Same. Um, yeah. If you could be anyone for a day, who would you? Oh
carly:mm. Oprah. Oprah. Yeah.
francene:That'd be very cool. Yeah, that'd be great, man. You could buy anything, anything. Not just the money aspect, but I mean, you could literally do anything in that day if you
carly:don't wanna be her. I just wanna like, Shadow her.
francene:I think it'd be really interesting, wouldn't you? It, Yeah. Um, okay. And lastly, um, what is your life motto or favorite phrase that you live by?
carly:Um, the Golden Rule. Do to others as you would have them do unto you. Yeah,
francene:that's a great one. A hundred percent. I think I say that all the time. I also say it to my daughter all the
carly:time too. I see it all the time I say it. That's probably my most go to too. Well it's probably, I mean, and my parents said it to me all the time. Yeah, me too. I was
francene:exactly saying I grew up with being told that. Yeah. Um, well hey Carly, thank you so much, um, for your time. It has been a pleasure and I wish. Speak to you longer, and I'm sure I have like way more questions. Um,
carly:well, I'm so honored that you asked me to do this and I'm thi like having conversations about this kind of stuff. Is what I love to do. So I thank you for allowing me to do what I love to do, which is to talk about
francene:this stuff. Of course. Um, so everyone listening, you can go catch her at See Style blog on Instagram and then you also have, um, a website as well and you can shop your Instagram. So, um, yeah. Thank you so much lady. Enjoy baseball and um, I'm sure we will speak soon.
carly:Yes, sounds good. Thanks.