Real Beauty with FD
Welcome to Real Beauty with FD, a place where we discuss what beauty means to us! Whether it’s a product that sells out every second around the world or a cult classic to discussing body positively to building incredible brands! We are here to find YOUR little black dress in skincare, make-up and more importantly promoting happiness within your own skin and owning it! Each episode I’m bringing in a new personality to discuss all things beauty and touch on their inspiring stories.
Real Beauty with FD
Season 5 Real Beauty with FD: C.Style blog & personal stylist, talking all things fashion with Carly slew
Love talking fashion, it’s one of my favorite subjects!
This pod is a little late ( 2 weeks eeeek!) life is whizzing by!
Hit me up at @choosandfashiondoos
Hey, welcome to real beauty with Ft seasons five episode seven. So I am sitting is Sunday evening and we just returned from the beach. We went to crystal beach this weekend just with our friends and it was so much fun. I mean, it is the first time. And I cannot remember that I was able to fully disconnect from life from work from. Any like little worries that we've been having or the to-do list or things that I've forgotten about. it was great. So I feel so mentally refreshed. and even this morning, oh my gosh. Me and my girlfriend, we woke up just before sunrise. And we took the dogs for a walk along the beach and. Oh, my gosh, it was so great for my I highly recommend it. If you're feeling. You know, we're getting towards the end of the year, it's going to be crazy. The minute we kind of hit Thanksgiving, you know, just with the kind of festive season, which is great, but I sometimes feel like it's a lot. Even when I look at my calendar for the next, like every weekend we have like something on. So it's hard to kind of keep With everything. But, anyway, before I kind of continue to ramble on that's, one of my key pieces of advice is if you need that break, go take it and go somewhere different. Don't just stay at home. Sometimes you need that change of scenery. Secondary. So in this podcast, I'm interviewing Carly, who is, a personal stylist and had awesome tips. I loved speaking with her and she's on Instagram. So go follow her. It's C style blog. And she's going to be so proud of me. I've been trying to pick up some like staple items using websites, such as like the real, real. Which is basically like designer pieces secondhand. I will say I have found so many products that have tags on their brand new, or maybe they've been used like once and it's excellent condition. So the great thing about this website is view con. State what type of condition you're willing to accept? You can search. Designers. So I bought like countless items from like Rachel, Zoe. I have a pair of Jimmy Choos that in all honesty, they are like brand new. And I just picked up two Tweed skirts as we get into the kind of fall season. And one of them is Derek Lam. And both pieces together cost me like$40. So if you're looking to kind of add some staples into your wardrobe, but you are ideally looking for that kind of designer quality. Highly highly recommend. the real, real, you can also sell products on the real wheel. I'm also super proud of myself. I've finished Christmas shopping for our little bug rug. Um, yes, I know a couple of months earlier than Christmas. How organized am I. Um, so we will be decorating her room. Which I am super excited about. I feel like I have so many ideas in my hand, so we'll see how they kind of come out in a reality standpoint. And one last thing just to kind of end this friend I thought. Is, I was telling my husband on the way back from the beach today. And I have a couple of resolutions going into next year already that I'm looking to try and kind of put into effect. Before. Um, I get to the new year. One is to try and get into a better routine. It was my fitness. And I'm hoping now with our puppy. We will be able to do that easily. And then the other one is trying to kind of leave work at work. And not kind of take it home, which is sometimes difficult for me to kind of disconnect and. I'm a perfectionist, so I can't help, but constantly be thinking about ways of improving things and, I can't help, but be ambitious. When it comes to my job, but. I appreciate that. Sometimes it can be a little bit unhealthy. So those are the kind of two resolutions I'm thinking about. I'd be curious to hear yours if you're already thinking about this. And if this is something you would typically put in place prior to the new year If you do. Kind of partake in resolutions. How quickly do you break them? I'm sure you were probably the main, but we can try. Right. Anyway, without further do. I will stop chit-chatting and I will. Let's correlate. Give us awesome fashion tips.
fRANCENE:So now the mic is on my desk just for effect, I'm not even using it.
carly:Love it. Well, I have this. From, Um, because when I give talks, yeah, I, I have to have hands free mics because I talk with my hands. Oh. And I've knocked the thing over but also at the beginning, if I'm like nervous, yeah. My hands shake and then like, You know when your hands start shaking and then you're in your head about your hand shaking. Yeah. And then it's like, But I, but I'm prepared. Why is my body doing this? So then I was like, No, hands free from here, So I, um, ordered a la layer mic from Amazon and it has saved me quite a few times. Oh, nice.
fRANCENE:Yeah. Um, I'll need to look it up. I will say I'm that uncool person that I've had these, um, AirPods for, oh, I don't know, like maybe over a year. And every time I've been on the phone, I will have my phone like this. And I walk around and my husband saw me one day and he was like, What are you doing? And I was like, Well, I need to make sure they can hear me. And he was like, Uh, there's a microphone in there. And I was like, What? No one told me. And even in the office, I'd be walking around like this and, I never knew that there was actually a microphone built in, so yeah.
carly:Okay, thanks. See, I would totally do something like that.
fRANCENE:Go right. Well, technology's come a really long way, We can't keep up. I know. Well, literally I can't keep up. I don't even read instructions anymore. I don't know.
carly:I think you're doing pretty good. You've got a podcast, you got an Instagram, you got a website. So I'd say you're doing pretty good on
fRANCENE:Yeah, that, That's it. That's it. I can't do anything more than that. Um, but how are you today?
carly:Good. I'm good. Yeah, I'm doing good. Um, it's a beautiful day. It is so nice.
fRANCENE:I know. Stays like today. Well, you said you're going out to baseball tonight, so that's cool. Yeah. At least you're gonna be outside.
carly:Yes, my son, um, has practice, so it's more like I pick him up, but, um, I can't. I actually am looking forward to baseball season because you get to be outside so much. Yeah, it's um,
fRANCENE:it's definitely nice when you have a reason, although I will say in like August time in Houston, it is not something I love being outside, but, um, That's okay. It's true. Well, except the sun. Cause it could be worse.
carly:That's true. That's good point. That's a good point. How is your day going? It's been really
fRANCENE:good. It's been a great day. Um, and I even managed to sneak. A little pe workout before, um, before my call at four. So yeah, it's pros and cons, right? Like if you're working from home, I'm like, okay, now my manager gets to see me and like all my glory after I've worked out, but I'm like, Hey, it's fine. It's life. We're all
carly:human. You look beautiful. And I can't believe, like when I get off the Peloton, I get that red face. I'm that red face person. Yeah.
fRANCENE:Uh, I mean, I didn't go that hardcore to be honest. Um, but yes, normal circumstances, I am that sweat mess where it's all down my neck and yes, not, not hot. Um,
carly:that's really good cuz I'm a 20 minute pelo toner. I'm the
fRANCENE:same, I'm 20 minutes or 30 minutes. That's typically all I feel like it's realistic. That I can at least do it every day. I,
carly:I used to do 45 like at the very beginning cause I taken lots of spin classes and then I was like, What am I doing?
fRANCENE:I was exactly same, although, I will say, have you ever been to like a ride class or soul cycle? Yes. I love ride. I feel like I'm in a nightclub and I'm having a night out, and it's great and it's fun. If I could do that every day, I would.
carly:I feel the exact same way. I used to tell people like, Have you ever been to SoulCycle? And I'm like, No. I'm like, It feels like you're in a nightclub with your friends and you're actually Don, you know? And you're like sweating, but you don't care because you're having so much fun with the music. Fun.
fRANCENE:Oh, it's so great. I love it. I love it. It's in my favorite class, but I'm in Cypress, so. The closest one to me is the Woodlands. So I'm like, Oh, please, can you just build one close enough that I can get away with it? I
carly:would've thought, um, I, so I grew up in Cypress and I would've thought, Well, I guess that's Sinker Ranch is not
fRANCENE:probably, yeah, there's, yeah, there's one there, but I went to the weekends, but just during the week, I need somewhere close that I have an excuse to be. I can justify it, you
carly:know? Yes. Um,
fRANCENE:but yeah. Um, but anyway. Okay. Let me introduce you. I'm really bad for going off in like tangent.
carly:Let me introduce good work. We're
fRANCENE:good. This can be a very, like, smooth operation. Um, well welcome to your real beauty with fd, um, place where we discuss what beauty means to us. Whether it's a product that sells out every second around the world, or it's a cult classic to discussing body positivity, to building incredible brands. We are here to find your little black dress and skincare makeup, and more importantly, promoting. Within your skin and owning it. So this week I have Carly from Sea Style Blog and you are all about fashion style. Promoting the funness, the approachable and accessible, which I love and style tips for all women. So I know I kind of sent you topics that I wanna discuss, but um, I, I, I really wanna ask you so many amazing questions cause you have great style and I'm about to go on off an a tangent again, but we have the same necklace. I love this. I love that. I saw that. I love this. Yay. For everyone. Listen, I have a necklace with my name on it. Like Carrie Bradshaw. Yes. And got it, because of Carrie Bradshaw and I have taken this necklace off once in the 11 years I've had it. I'm, I love it so much. Yeah.
carly:Well you are, um, I'm impressed because I wanted it for, Very many years and I just got it. So, um, I love it for having it for 11 years. And I too was inspired by Carrie Bradshaw, so Yay. Oh
fRANCENE:my God. They're gonna be fast friends. Yeah, that makes me happy. You're talking my love language. Um, so let me ask you, what does beauty mean to
carly:you? Um, So I was thinking about that when you sent me that question and I was thinking, Oh my gosh. So beauty I do believe, comes from the inside, right? So, um, I think we have all been around, uh, a situation where somebody's beautiful, but then they're not nice or. That fades. So I really do believe that beauty is from the inside out. Um, and then I was also, I, it's kind of funny cuz I like, it's like both of the cliche kind of beauty things, but um, also beauty is definitely in the eye of the beholder, which, and that is what I love about actually styling. I love getting into my clients like what they find beautiful. Yeah. And then helping them like make. that outfit or that style because they find that beautiful and then they feel beautiful in that. So. Mm-hmm. I definitely think beauty is in the eye of the beholder. So what I, And I think that's also the spice of life, like what I think is beautiful. Maybe you don't necessarily think is beautiful, but you really like something else. You know, I just, a case in point, my, my we, my family jokes because we went to, um, People are gonna die over this. And I probably shouldn't say this, but we went to we went to Sedona, and we, um, We decided that we were very much like mountain people and like deserts weren't really like our favorite. Like, and I was, I just thought, And then our tour guide was like, I moved from the mountains suit to Sedona because this is beautiful. And I thought that is so cool because we can all find beauty in all different things. It is so true, Sam.
fRANCENE:No, it's so true. And actually I appreciate you describing. Like that. Cuz I think especially when it comes to fashion and trends, it's really hard to not be feared with, Okay, the magazine Vogue is saying this is in, and sometimes I look at it or I watch the catwalk shows and I'm like, Really? I know really like, oh, is this even wearable? And then I think. You kind of question yourself and think, Well, maybe I'm the one that's, you know, out of trend or whatever is, But you're right. You need to embrace what you think is beautiful and what works with you in order to create your own style. And I think this is what sometimes there's that line with, yes, you can follow the trends, but is that really you, you know?
carly:Yeah, I actually too, sometimes if a client really wants to follow a trend, but actually I'll speak for myself if I really wanna, uh, follow a trend, but like I'm having a really hard time, like I just can't get there with it, you know? Yeah. I will constantly try to find something. A way to adopt the trend that makes it me feel beautiful, right? Like that makes me feel comfortable, like, okay, I'm not gonna do it like that, but I'll do it. Maybe I'll do it like this, and then that makes feel good. Yeah. So I totally agree. Yeah. And I think
fRANCENE:it's also, um, you know, I always love those articles or, or seeing kind of people put together, okay, if Leo prints in, say for arguments sake, you don't need to drip yourself in lap print, but you can add a pop at your belt or your shoes or, you know, And I kind of like that, how it's like, okay, if you wanna be on trend, but you know, you can do it in a very subtle manner. You don't have to go out and. By exactly what it is. And I think sometimes, especially for Instagram, to be able to have that accessibility, to be able to follow the likes of yourself and see, Oh, I didn't think about putting those colors together, or those styles together. Ah, maybe I could do that too. And I think seeing that visually makes such a difference.
carly:Mm-hmm. Mm-hmm. I.
fRANCENE:Um, so I guess from your, um, tips and, and I know you give them, and I've seen that you've done kind of splurges and then, you know, kind of savings. What would you recommend that you should splurge on in your wardrobe and more specifically like staples and then where would you say save your
carly:money? So, yeah, so definitely splurge on Staples and so I, um, and I'm guilty of not s splurging on these. Um, but the, the, it is important, um, especially undergarments and yeah, I'm really bad for that. Yeah. So am I. And, um, I was like, Wait a second. Those are something, Those are things we wear every single. I know Day, like, I'm like, at one point I was like, Carly, you're an adult. Like you are an adult. Like you can splurge a little bit and get yourself a really supportive bra like, yeah. You know, um, so foundational pieces, I think, I think they, they get overlooked quite a bit, but they, we really, really do wear those every single day. So what I like to say to splurge on, and I guess it's a more practical way, is some things that you use every single day that you want to be comfortable. Um, because I do think a lot of times, well, sometimes I should say, when we spend money on things, um, They can be a lot more comfortable. Like yeah, I mean, I, I love pay less cuz I grew up going to pay less, but I had had some blisters, um, yeah, for unfortunately. Um, and, but, I say that, but I still will buy a trendy shoe. Yeah. But like if I'm gonna buy a staple shoe, like let's say I'm gonna buy a slide and I will splurge on that slide. If it is kind of like the classic look of that slide, if that makes sense. Yeah, it does. Yeah. So I splurge on everyday pieces, staple plate pieces, and then, um, Pieces like that are, it's important that they're comfortable. Yeah,
fRANCENE:that's such a good point. And I felt like you were speaking to my soul when you were mentioning bras like you would die if you saw I don't even know how long I've had some of them, and I don't know what it is in my mental state that I'm more than happy to justify and find money for a pair of very expensive shoes. Right. That I'm aware. Not often. And then the, the thought of buying like$35 for bra, like, Oh no,
carly:I know much. Why is that?
fRANCENE:I know when you're talking. I was like, Oh my God, I'm that person I
carly:know. And so am I. And, and I just like, Wait a second here. Like, no, like that is something you wear every single day. Yeah. Oh,
fRANCENE:oh, hi. Oh, thank you. So I gotta put it
carly:in. Wait
fRANCENE:a second. What's her name?
carly:Luna Rose. Oh my gosh. She is so cute.
fRANCENE:Bye. Oh my, let me just shut the door, two seconds.
carly:She is adorable. She is super cute.
fRANCENE:How old is she? Um, she will be four in April. It has gone so quickly. It's crazy. I know, I know. Um, okay, so the other thing, um, I wanted to ask, and you actually have this in your Instagram, so I'm feeling it. Um, you mentioned about dressing assets not to issue areas, which I also love. So I just want you to explain this in a bit more detail. Cause I feel so many people say. And I say this like, I hate my, um, stomach area mm-hmm. and I'm always like, Ooh, how can I hide this? And I'm always focusing on the things that I hate. Right. So I kinda, I wanna hear your, your mindset. Well,
carly:I have had the privilege, and I say privilege and honor, and I truly, truly mean that, um, for a little over nine years to be with women in their closets and in clients. In the dressing room with them and they open up to me. And it has been such an honor because I realize like, oh my gosh, I am not the only one. Like I also like, because they would tell me what they see as an issue area and I literally. Either I wouldn't see it at all. Mm-hmm. or I would not see it nearly to the extent that they saw it. Yeah. And I have my own insecurities too. And so what I knew, so then I knew what I'm seeing in the mirror is something very different than what they're, what they're seeing. Right? Yeah. And so we all tend to focus on these issue areas and so I obviously the words that you say to yourself are so important, right? Like I. That's something that has come out in recent years, Like definitely kind of the words that you say to yourself, Matter. Mm-hmm. And so when I was started working with clients and they would be like, No, no, no, we need to do this with this issue area or whatever. I, I was like, We're, we're not gonna call it issue area. So like I had to come up in my head, I was like, No, that's your asset because. Because a lot of times, whatever the issue area is, there's a reason. There's a really good reason for it. There's enjoyment of life. Um, there's a baby, there's um, so true your God given curves and like there's like, And, and for me too, like I was looking at these women, I was like, No, this is like beautiful and they're wanting to cover this and I don't want them to cover this. Like I am. I don't, And actually when you cover something, um, an asset, a lot of times it makes it look even bigger. So true.
fRANCENE:So, so you draw more attention to it. Yes. So true.
carly:Yes. And so, That's the reason I say asset because I had to change the narrative in our, with my clients because I was so tired of issue areas and I think we all grew up our. I grew up with like, hey, uh, you need, you know, I don't know. I don't, I don't know if I'm the only one who saw this, but I, like, I remember like, like magazines where they would like circle parts. Oh yeah. I,
fRANCENE:It's so bad. That was the worst. I can't,
carly:like, I, I cannot believe they did that. Right. Like, I, it's so appalling. Um, and so, But I, but I still felt that a little bit with issue area and so that's why I came up with asset. And then I also try to get them to see that it is an asset. It's from, it's from a, a life well lived and um mm-hmm It's beautiful and we're gonna dress it and we're gonna make it look beautiful and like we're gonna own it. Cuz I think we also have to own our stories. We have to own our bodies and all of that. So that's why I call it an asset. Um, I've been calling it that for, I don't know, since I started because I was listening to all these, all my clients and I was like, No, we can't do this ladies. We can't do this. This
fRANCENE:is great. Oh my gosh, I really wish, And I know moving forward, like hearing this, I hope I change my mindset or I word it differently. Um, and the fact that you're able to kind of change. Your clients, and I would like to think through the work that you do. It's the confidence builder and you're making them see themselves the way that everyone else sees them. Right. And that's amazing.
carly:Well, and. I had to do it myself. I had to do that work myself too. Um, and so then I was telling them, and then I'm looking in the mirror and I, I have a hollow chest on one side. I was born with a birth defect. I didn't have a breast on the right side for a very long time. I, breast tissue, I should say. Yeah. And so I see a lot of different things when I look in the. and then, but I'm asking these women to own their bodies. I had to do it myself. Yeah. And it's been so freeing. It's like, No, I'm gonna wear that dress that shows that concave. Like, no, and I'm gonna wear the V-neck. And I had to work through it myself as well. Yeah. Um, and I, that journey has been so, um, free. And it's like made fashion so much more fun too and style. I bet.
fRANCENE:Oh my gosh. I bet. Cuz I'm sure before then you're like depriving yourself of styles that you're like, Oh, I would love to wear that, but ooh, I can't because of whatever reason. Exactly. Um, which again, it goes back to like fashion. She'd always be fun if you're not walking out the door feeling. You know, good about what you're wearing it like for me, it affects how I feel. I. Like mentally I feel messy. I don't feel put together. I feel uncomfortable, and then I feel like I then start acting uncomfortable. Yeah. You know, it's like you start like touching your trousers. You're like, I dunno what's going on here? And you're like, Yes,
carly:yes. So, So this is the way I put it. Like I always try and I tell my clients this, like I'm trying to get you to the. and this outfit, like, this is why I'm spending so much time on this outfit, like when I'm working with them. Yeah. I'm trying to get you to the point where you forget about this. Yeah. So the real you comes out. Yeah, it comes out. Right. Like, because we've all been in the room where we're like, Oh, I, I don't like my outfit. And, and, and we're like fidgeting. And then like, like at the dinner we can't even concentrate because like, like uncomfortable in what we're wearing and we're like, I mean, you're not getting to know the real Carly, you're getting to know the Carly that's like all up in her head. Yeah, it's so true. You know, And so I'm always trying to get them to feel so good about this, that really who they are from the inside gets to shine through. Yeah. Oh
fRANCENE:my gosh. So cool. It's cool. Like the impact.