Real Beauty with FD
Welcome to Real Beauty with FD, a place where we discuss what beauty means to us! Whether it’s a product that sells out every second around the world or a cult classic to discussing body positively to building incredible brands! We are here to find YOUR little black dress in skincare, make-up and more importantly promoting happiness within your own skin and owning it! Each episode I’m bringing in a new personality to discuss all things beauty and touch on their inspiring stories.
Real Beauty with FD
Season 4 Real Beauty with FD: New York fashion week, where it all began to working on the Today's Show CBS Featuring Media / Celebrity MUA Jenn Michelle
Jenn Michelle is incredibly inspiring - her story is incredible! Join me for part two as we find out where it all began...
Hit me up @choosandfashiondoos
Hey, what's up. Welcome to episode 11 of a real BD with Ft. Season four. I am just back from spending the morning. Paddleboarding, uh, on, um, the Woodlands just off of use landing and it was so much fun. I have been wanting to do that ever since we moved to Houston more than eight years ago. So I had the best morning, but my knees are sore. My arms are sore. My tummy's sore. And it's only been a couple of hours. I can only imagine how I'm going to feel tomorrow. but it's been such a great weekend. Hanging out with friends and just enjoying, Laying by the pool and just having fun. So I don't know how I'm going to feel tomorrow going back to work, but I hope everyone enjoyed. Good Memorial day weekend. But without further ado. Let us jump into this week's episode and I hope you enjoy it. It's an inspiring long four shore.
jenn:Hey, John. Hey, how are you? How are you? How are you doing? I'm good. Can you see me? Yes. Can I just want to make sure?
francene:Okay. It's so nice to meet you. You
jenn:too. Very nice to
francene:you. I feel like I've been snooping over the last couple of days on like your Instagram.
jenn:Thank you.
francene:By the way. So I'm looking forward to getting lots of tips from you. I do have some topics that I want to cover, and kind of go over, especially with your beauty collection, your women warrior collaboration. Oh my God. There's so much I want to cover, but let me just, Kick it off. Welcome Jen, to real beauty with FD, a place where we discuss what beauty means to us, whether it's a product that sells out every second around the world, or a cult classic to discussing body positivity, to building incredible brands, we're here to find your little black dress and skincare makeup, more importantly, promoting happiness within your own skin and owning it. So each episode I'm bringing in a new personality. Discuss all things, beauty and touch in their inspiring stories. And this week I have the pleasure of being joined by Jen Michelle, who is from glam life beauty collection. You also have women warriors, collab. And I also kind of, as I was doing the research, I know that you are makeup artists. You're involved in so much. So I feel like this conversation is going to go all over the place, but welcome.
jenn:Thank you. Thank you for having me.
francene:So the question I kick off with everyone is what does beauty mean to you?
jenn:Uh, beauty means to me, confidence. Um, beauty is not just outer beauty. Beauty's inside out, you know, um, When I think beauty, I think of a person's spirit. I think of their soul. That's what makes somebody beautiful? You know? Um, I think of kindness and I just think of, I just think of like a light, you know, when I think of beauty, because beauty can be so many different things. Um, but I really feel beauty is inside. I
francene:love that. Do you know what I love about asking that question? And I've been doing this podcast for like a year and a half now is there's not one time I've had someone say the kind of conventional, you know, beauty is like, oh, that person is like stunning and I'm like attracted to them. It's always, what's kind of inside. That's what I love much more it. And I think that's what. Made me want to kind of do these deep dives and have these discussions. So what was it about the beauty industry that attracted you to
jenn:him? Um, I don't know. I always liked it. I was always, I'm the oldest of four siblings, all girls. Um, and I'm the oldest granddaughter oldest cousin oldest sister. So I was always the. Yeah. So I kind of just stepped into that role early on. I always loved it. But I also knew I always wanted to work with people. I love helping people. It's just something innately inside me. So I went to cosmetology school in my earlier twenties, but then I didn't do anything with my license. Cause I, you know, it's kind of, nobody really believed that I can really make. And beauty, you know? Um, so I wanted something more safe and also something that I knew would make a good income and helping people, I was getting into nursing. So, yeah. And then I did New York fashion week. I got apps to help out just as an assistant. And that was it. I never went back to school. I was convinced that I was put there for. Then everyone thought I was crazy, but I said, I will regret this for the rest of my life. If I don't something inside me knew no, like this is where maybe it's bold of me to think that, but it was the best thing I ever did was listen to my gut because being in beauty has transformed my entire life. Oh my gosh.
francene:It's so. Like, how was it helping out in New York fashion week? And like how, how did that come about? Was it just the right timing? Like just, you were there right time and you're like, great. I'm taking the opportunity. How did that come?
jenn:So it's kind of funny because, you know, I love growing up. I loves music, right? So you always like love a good, you know, I always think of Toni Braxton story. Founded in a gas station singing. Right. So kind of like, that's what kind of happens to me, but not in the gas station. So when contrarian came about, I I'm a mom, so I was at the time I was going to school for nursing and I was home with my daughters, but I always, again, loved makeup. I don't really wear makeup. I mean, I have nothing on my face day. I'm very big with skincare. If, unless. You know, so contouring just kind of became a fad on YouTube. So I w I wanted to play around with it and I did that. And then I had to go to the mall. So I wound up just leaving on my makeup and a girl came over to me and was like, oh my God, are you make a price? I'm like, yeah. You know, I am. Yeah. So she had asked me, um, she's like, listen, I'm looking for an assistant. It was just so raw. Like we would talk for a little bit and it was random. And I gave her my number. I didn't think she was really going to call me later on that night, she called me, asked me if I would help her out. And I'm like, oh my God, I'm really doing this right now. I have no experience, only my experience. So, um, but that's. My personality. It sounds crazy, but I like to jump in. I think I really innately knew it was for me when I first got there. It was crazy. There was toddlers everywhere. It was so fast paced, but I loved it. Um, I wind up having to actually do makeup, not just assist because the makeup artists, they were shorter makeup artists. So I had my little rinky Dick, you know, kit that I put together. Um, and I just jumped in that was it. I didn't go back to nursing school and I dedicated, you know, investing in myself and just working hard to be good at makeup.
francene:Wow. That's so amazing. And you also, I actually forgot to mention, and then introduction. You're also a hairdresser too, so you're able to give that full package
jenn:to people. Yes. And I specialize in hair extensions. I love, love hair extensions. It's such a, it's not, I don't. The thing is, is that I wanted to specialize in something. I help a lot of women with hair loss. I help a lot of women whose hair is thinning from either hormones or COVID or so to see them love the way they look again. I just love the transformation part of hair extension. Do you
francene:know, I love the fact you brought that up because actually I've not spoken about this on the podcast yet. So this is new territory. Um, but so I have a Dar that's going to be four and like most moms, my hair, like, especially around the sides was like thinning. It was just taking forever to grow in. And I was talking to my hairdresser and she was like, have you considered extensions? And in my head, I'm always thinking extensions are for lens, you know, it's all over. And she was like, no, no, no, no. She was like, we can do some here, like on I'm pointing at, um, both sides of my head. And honestly, I did that like eight months ago and it's the best thing I've ever done. Like, I wish I'd done it before and it has made such a difference. So like how I feel about myself, like my hair and it's been, cause I always thought extensions would be worse. Yeah. It wasn't at all. And I'm like, there is not enough information out there by extension.
jenn:Yeah. Well, the thing is with extensions, heck hair extensions are based on your lifestyle, right? So if you're someone that goes to the gym a lot, you don't want sapiens, right? If you're someone who's hairs on the thinner side, again, you don't want seabeds, it will, it will pull out your hair. It's a fact, right. Um, you know, beat it, micro beads. I personally, they're not my favorite. I think they look really great cause you can really get a lot of volume, but I've seen the best results with the least amount of damage with keratin, with the keratin bonds. So with me, you have to be at. So I don't just do hair extensions on anyone because I don't want to damage their hair. I literally go on a hand journey with my clients because if somebody is coming to me and trusting me with, you know, a high end service, I want to give them high end quality customer service and do what's best for them. You know, I've always stuck to my morals. I've never been persuaded by money or anything like that. I've always did the right thing by people. Um, and I think that's important too, because, um, you know, I fix a lot of girls, hair extensions. Girls had horror stories because people are just putting in extensions, sorry, putting in hair extensions. And it's a lifestyle. It's not just, oh, you want those? I had to tell girls like, I'm not doing those on you. I know that's what you want. I'm not, if you, these are the ones that I could offer to you based on your hair type, your texture and the things. Or the thinness of your hair? Yeah. Sometimes then mad at me, but they always appreciate it because I'm more about when we take out those hair extensions and you want to be there for you to love your hair, you know? Um, and that's really important. And I feel like that's also a part of my success is that I'm truly. Yeah. You know, because a lot of the times we get a bad rep, a lot of people in beauty. Um, because again, I fix a lot of people, you know what I mean? Some people work just for that money. I, I personally feel I'll always be blessed because I do the right thing. You know what I mean? And I always try to treat people the way I want to be treated. If I'm sitting in somebody's chair that does something real specialized in something, I want their honesty, not just their money, you know what I mean? Um, because that goes a long way.
francene:Oh my God, a hundred percent. And I think, especially for me, like when I go to my hairdresser, I expect her to advise me appropriately, right? Like appropriately on like, I know your hair type. I know what's going to work. What's not going to work your lifestyle. And also to your point, making sure you're not kind of overselling. And then I walk away being like, oh my God, my hair is falling out. Why. I guess on that. And just as we're touching on hair, is there any products or like what recommendations would you give for. Kind of keeping your hair healthy. So things like how often should you be washing your hair? Um, again, is there certain brands that you prefer? Um, what would you say like to your clients? And I know it depends on the hair type, but yeah,
jenn:no, well, honestly, people I go crazy when peoples come and they wash their hair every day. Like that just drives me crazy. Honestly for me, I washed my hair maybe once or twice a week. I love dry shampoo. Um, because you want the oil to come in your hair. It's important. It's important to build oil in your hair. Healthy oil is good for your hair. You especially like let's say you call it your hair. You don't want to Overwatch, overdoing. Anything is never good at anything right. Over plucking your eyebrows. Not good. So you know what I mean? So over washing is just not good. I recently got involved with a Monet, which is vegan haircare skincare. I really loved their products. Um, a few of the people, the way I got into it was a few people in my family. Their hair was thinning and somebody had mentioned to me and I told them, I go, look, let's try and see when I seen the results in about three months because it's vegan. Okay. Um, about three months into it, they use this, um, thickening shampoo, moisturizing conditioner, because you don't always have to use the same line for everything. Right. And that's one thing from doing hair. Selling it, I wanted to get involved because I've seen people in my family start to have regrowth in their hair, especially women after childbirth, after COVID hormones. So many things change for your hair to fall out stress. Right? A lot of times around your hash hair shaft, it'll start to we'll sit in first. So there is like a serum that you put in your hair and you rub it around your hair shaft. I mean, you do it. My, um, the president of my family, she used it a few times a week. She washed his hair once or twice a week, but uses just that stuff. And in three months, her results is so remarkable. I'm like, I need to add it to what I'm doing because it can help other women. But I also have other alternatives because I'm also aware that not everything works for everybody. Right. I love the vegan stuff. I love the Monet stuff. I loved it so much. I actually sell it. Right. It's a part of it's in my salon. Um, but then I also like other haircare products too. Like if you're a boron, there's certain shampoos that I like just for blonde hair. I use it in mine. My hair is dark. Is your hair naturally? I've been blonde for over 13 years and I'll never go back, but my hair, but my hair is really healthy and I love it. I'm like, I like some biologic. I like some Redkin stuff. Um, pulp riot is a really, really great brands. Um, let's say if you want some volume got to be, it's sold on Amazon. It's a volume powder. It is the best thing ever invented. It's super inexpensive, but if you need volume, That's where it's at. It's easy for you to apply it. And it's kind of, it always activate. So let's say you kind of like, go like this, you'll see it lifts back up. So I love that for people that have, that are here that want the volume
francene:nice. What was that called?
jenn:It's called. It's got to be, and it's a vault volumizing powder you can get on Amazon. It's black, pink and yellow. Oh my God. Yeah, I like, um, Pope riot. I love their self for styling. Their stuff smells so good. And then just really good products. I'm trying to think what else Redkin I liked some of Redkin stuff. Again. I liked certain things for certain. I don't like all just one line, because to say you just use one line is just, it's not telling the truth. I just impossible because there's good products and everything. And like I do makeup, makeup is my, I love doing makeup. Right. I, you know, I really put a lot of money into my kit, you know, but it's so funny because I've used, you know, tart YSL. Different Maybelline age wine is the best concealer hands down. Um, and you can get that in CVS, but Maybelline age Vermont, I always recommend it to everybody because it's such nice coverage. Don't go in any type of creases, fine lines. It's buildable. Um, if people like let's say your everyday. Kind of BB cream, but has coverage. I highly commend. I can sit here. Talk products would be like all that
francene:I miss down. I'm like, oh, you're giving me all the gold right now.
jenn:So per last, P U R L I S S E. I'm telling you if you don't have it, go get it. And you guys will thank me later. Okay. It is a BB cream that is buildable and, um, it's a very natural coverage. So let's say you put it on. You're like, you know what? I want a little bit more. You could let it oxidize, give you a few minutes, do another round. It's so lightweight, but so pretty. And has like that natural skin glow to it. It's I put it in my kit for women who want makeup, no makeup look
francene:like makeup.
jenn:Yeah. But I'm telling you the Maybelline age, rewind concealer. I'm telling you. It's a must for everybody. It's easy for you guys to blend that don't do makeup. It's very creamy. Um, and I literally have every color in my kit. I used to spend stupid money on like high end concealers, but it's not always about the higher end. It's more about what's in the products and how it. You know how it sets on your face and you know, I'm in my later thirties, you know, so I sometimes, you know, I'll see my little, like little creases here and there. I don't want anything under my eyes. It's going to make me look older, make up, they're supposed to do the opposite. So I highly recommend me bullying, Adriana. Absolutely. Like adore that concealer. Everyone should have it
francene:and move on. I love this so much. So, um, I guess as we kind of switched on to makeup, and I know you mentioned like skincare to you so important and I'm the same, like, I think fun skincare is that foundation to make sure that your skin is nice. And then the makeup on top of it is just enhancing certain areas. So what would be your typical like skincare
jenn:routine? So what I do, I do love again. It's funny right now I'm using a lot of Monet's stuff. I really liked the vegan stuff, but I still use my Kiehl's. I love Kiehl's. Especially during the winter I have, um, I'm like looking at it. Um, it's like a heavy it's called like a heavy cream. I put it on in the morning at night. I usually do a good exposure creator, um, like a good exfoliating scrub twice a week. I don't overdo anything because I feel like when I do that, Doing anything excessively is just never good. Um, obviously I cleaned my face every day. I really loved the Monet skincare stuff cause it's very lightweight. Um, and my skin glows with it. Um, and I just really love their stuff. I can also send you a bunch of stuff that I use because I can go, I can literally talk skincare for Africa. I
francene:love a favorite subject. I love
jenn:being here. I love a good eye cream. I really love, um, oh my God. What's the neighbor. It should shadow shadows. Under eye cream is amazing. It's like a Japanese brand. It is so nice for under your eyes to shade out. Um, and they have a really nice lip mask. You know,
francene:I cream for me is the one that, I mean, I use an eye cream, but sometimes I'm not. Is this even doing anything? I don't know. I think it's just me, but like, I'll put it on. And I also have like a mini fridge, but sometimes I'm like, I feel like I'm just doing this for the sake of doing it, but I don't really know if this eye cream is actually doing
jenn:anything. If you have a skin eye cream that has caffeine in it, you will definitely notice results. The reason why caffeine can really take away those bags or those under eye circles. Um, I also have a mini fridge, um, and I love my influences me. Yes. I actually bought my oldest daughter's 17 and I bought her. To actually got her into skincare. Cause I want her to learn now cause I had to learn as I got older, you know? Um, but honestly my go-to is a really good hydronic acid. I use that with the kills every day I wash my face with, um, Mo Monet's, it's be balanced there, be balanced on it. I washed my face with that. Um, I usually do. At least once a week, at least once a week, I love a good avocado mask. I don't know why, but that's just my thing right now. I get into my like things, you know. Um, but I love a good avocado mask. Um, I, you know, do you have one of the rollers? I do. I have
francene:the rose courts and then I also have a Jade
jenn:one. Yeah, those are really good. You have to just stick with it. Um, I don't know if it's us learning that it works. I mean, I don't know. I think my skin looks good. I'm not sure, but I don't. I just think it's just drinking water too. Like you need to drink water for your skin to look good. It's a known fact. I'll never forget this. I remember seeing a picture of this girl who day one versus day 31. And she, all she did was drink. Like, I think a gallon of water every day. And I'm like, oh my God, I'm going to try that. So I tried it and I would, and you feel the difference? You see the difference in your face. So not only is it using, you know, the right. So your face, but it's also drinking water. Like I have to put the end, drink, good water. It drives me crazy. People will not spend money on good water. It's like, but that's so important. You're putting that into your body. So water's super staying hydrated. You're keeping your skin moisturized. It's it comes out through your pause, like think of this stuff when you eat. Right. It comes out. So definitely stay hydrated right now though. My favorites are Kiehls the shade out and Monet. I really kind of mix them altogether.
francene:And, um, how often, so on like the face mask and I have a lot like sheet masks, but I sometimes like to mix up with like a clay mask or, you know, kind of deep cleansing. Do you have like the rotation or do you just go by what your skin, what you think your skin.
jenn:Well, for me in the winter, I'll do more math, like the claim math. Cause I feel like I'm getting any more dried out. Right. And then I'll top it with a super heavy, much as I'll do the hydroponic and the Kiehl's like I put it together. Um, in the summer I do more of like the face mask, just because I'm in the sun more, you know, stuff like that. Put a lot of wear and tear on my face. Um, but I won't do it as much in the summer. That's just me. I don't know if I'm doing it right, but I feel like I'm seeing good results. We'll take it.
francene:Um, so I guess going back to, um, you know, kind of working as a makeup artist, um, hairdresser, as you've progressed in your career, What have you all doing? Is it like photo shoots? Have you continued on, um, you know, more in like the catwalks? Like how, how have you kind of positioned yourself in the market?
jenn:So it's so funny because when I first started, I actually, my first year, I basically didn't get paid at the first year. I just wanted to work with anyone. Any, anything? I think what was what's for you will always just work out because I met a really great person. Sorry. I hit mute on accident. I worked with a really great photographer from the beginning, and I remember the first day being there, you know, with him and doing makeup, it was the first, like my first makeup wasn't on your everyday person. It was a photo shoot. Right. So I remember being there and I'm like, oh my God, I can't. So like one day, like I'm going to be like the main makeup artist I'm going to be getting, you know, you have all these aspirations and dreams that I, these dreams big. Right. So, yeah, I mean, I would practice on my sisters, my poor daughters, my friends, I would, I would literally go anywhere and, um, I love that, but right now I'm, I'm in a lot of media. So I work with like NJ news. I work with a really incredible show called the lifestyle. Today's show, which is on CBS. Yeah. So I love photo shoots. I love the behind the scenes of production. It's just, I've done. off-Broadway. I mean, I've done every type of makeup that you could imagine. Um, I've really the photo shoots. I don't know why I just loved them. So that's kind of where I, I go to more and more TV media, celebrity, um, more higher end stuff, but I busted my butt to get to that. You know what I mean? And um, I just always put myself out there. So that's kind of. Where I kind of went towards, but I still do weddings. I still do everyday people. Um, I work by a lot of recommendation only at this point. Um, but it took a long time to get to here. it's, you know, it is what you put into it
Join me next week as I continue this awesome conversation with the inspiring Jen, Michelle. And next week is the season finale of season four, real beauty, but that D. So, thank you so much for sticking with me for now coming out to four seasons. Um, and I have some incredible guests coming up for season five. Hit me up next week. Bye.