Real Beauty with FD
Welcome to Real Beauty with FD, a place where we discuss what beauty means to us! Whether it’s a product that sells out every second around the world or a cult classic to discussing body positively to building incredible brands! We are here to find YOUR little black dress in skincare, make-up and more importantly promoting happiness within your own skin and owning it! Each episode I’m bringing in a new personality to discuss all things beauty and touch on their inspiring stories.
Real Beauty with FD
Season 4 Real Beauty with FD: Knowing how to act in the public eye, how to set yourself apart as an influencer to favorite beauty brands - this is part II with Juliana Martins 11 Eleven Media Relations and Behind the Media Podcast
Welcome to part II with Juliana - loved speaking to her!
Hit me up @choosandfashiondoos
Hey, what's up. Welcome to this week's episode of real beauty with FD. So I need to comment out loud. I just received a package from Zara, although I'm really trying to stop spending money after crashing my car. Twice within 30 days, which is not the smartest of moves. I will say one of them was not my fault. So definitely. Don't judge me. So I am trying to kind of go back to saving money. I also perse boned rent the one race. So it has literally been. Three months without it now. So I'm having some withdrawals, but anyway, I just want to say I'm loving. The bright neon colors for summer, I'm here for it. So what turned up in this package is a bright pink skirt, which by the way, Sarah, thanks for killing myself confidence. It is a size large. Instead of thinking to myself, imaging would work. It didn't. and for everyone listening, I'm a size six and I hate the fact I have to buy a large Inserra to fit it is ridiculous. The sizings, with high street, anyway, needless to say. I love the skirt. I have a neon green. Body suit. Which, oh my God, they'd be paired perfectly together. You can mix and match. And then I also have just a sprinkle in the colors, this amazing, crop top that's orange. But you can tie it at the back. And it has like a bow, which is super cute. So anyway, I am just loving it after what I feel like I've been wearing black, I've been in mourning for my poor truck for the last 30 days. I feel I'm ready to sprinkling some Some color into my life. Anyways enough about me. That's not why you came here. Let me revert straight back to the conversation with Giuliani from last week. So this is part two. I hope you enjoy. Like I think relationships evolve. And again, I've met certainly in sales, the amount of people, um, that I've kind of worked with and they're like, oh, that person's not helpful. You know, there's no point in maintaining a relationship and you're like, you never know. You literally never know what's going to happen. Personnel professionally, you just don't know. Um, but I think those were great. Great tips. Thank you
juliana:for sharing. I don't know if people are interested in getting NPR, the media world, especially with celebrities or high profile, people do not ask for anything and don't take your phone out. Like, I won't even take my phone remotely out if I'm meeting a celebrity or somebody, I want them to feel comfortable that I'm not trying to take pictures with them. I don't even want to do like a swipe by of them in my story casually and sneaky. Just like, keep the phone in your pocket. Be there, be present. And people will notice it.
francene:I know, I can't even imagine how, um, you know, how they must feel when they're meeting with people and they get asked, Hey, do you mind if I take a quick picture or I don't know, like, they must feel like such an object sometimes. Like, all you care about is, Hey, I just want to post this on social media. I don't really care about like you as a person. I just want to say that I've like met you.
juliana:It's the weirdest thing on earth. I have a lot of friends that are on the bachelor and one of my good ones, his name's Connor, and we're always out in LA. And I just get so shocked. Cause like, this is my friend now I don't even see him like that. And all sitting down somewhere and some girl will like come up basically like plop on his lap and they're like, I love you. I love, can we take the deck? And I'm just like, what is going on? Like, you know, like if you really were interested and for me an actual. Connection or professional, anything with this person, like say, hi, like have a conversation. Like you think fan girling is going to practically
francene:anywhere never happened, but especially for you, like the people that are with them, you're probably like, Hey Giuliani, nice to meet you. Thanks for coming and interrupting our dinner so hard. Oh my gosh. I'm sure you see that all the time, especially in PR. Oh my God
juliana:all the time. And it's so funny or they're like, who are you? Like, who's this girl it's just so weird.
francene:Oh my gosh. Are you ever, like when you walk into places with anyone that's kind of in the public eye that you're like, oh God, like, are they going to say something like about me that I'm with them? Or who's that person? Like, how does that make you feel like being kind of with them?
juliana:Absolutely. It gives you like a little bit of anxiety for sure. But if it's actually like somebody, like if it was somebody I was seeing, I think that would give me like way more anxiety, if it was like something new, but if it's like genuinely I'm out with a client, it's definitely where, like I remember I was at Isabelle and I'm in LA with another person from the bachelor and people like swarmed me in the bathroom and it was so weird. Like we were just on a client. And it made me uncomfortable because I was thinking in my head, it's like, okay, if they're sworn me in the bathroom, obviously they've been looking at us the whole dinner, like where their pictures taken when I was shoveling. So shimmy down my face, like, like what's been captured please. So it's definitely like a weird feeling when you're out with those people, because it's like so normal to them. But for you. Just a little bit jarring,
francene:hasn't it sock? Like I feel, I feel like sometimes, um, and I know if I'm, you know, speaking to like my friends or, um, you know, my husband about this, it's like some people have such a strong opinion that, you know, they chose to be in the public eye. Like, you know, they earn all this money and like, this is just. You know, comes with their life, but you look at, I've seen some of the press lately about Brittany, right? Like now she's officially free. Thank God. I'm so happy. I like feel like I found the braid too. Um, and now I've seen some like celebrities put on posting. Okay. Now we just need to leave her alone. Like, don't go take pictures of her, like, you know, going to the gas station or doing something else. That's just leave her. Obviously we know how she got into that. So let's just, you know, give her some good press, but it just makes me so sad to think that a lot of these people probably don't live even remotely, a normal life. They can't just go out for dinner and just be left alone.
juliana:Totally. It's so weird. And also you forget about that sometimes. Like when, when I'm out with these people and it's like, oh, let's do this. And they're like, absolutely not. If I get a picture taken of that, like no, or it's just, you know, It's just crazy. Like they have to think about their, every single public move and it's just not fun.
francene:Yeah. Especially nowadays where, you know, things will, everyone's so accessible. Everyone has a phone. Everyone has like Instagram, Facebook, like all these other platforms that I guess to them, they're constantly thinking about their brand and their. Cancel culture. Doesn't help if they step into the wrong store. If they say something they're overheard it's taken out of context. Um, so I guess on that note, um, say if you are an influencer, you're a company you're trying to build your own brand, your new, um, how do you give advice on how people or brands should set themselves apart? Because there's so many out there.
juliana:So many out there it's so saturated now. Um, I think that people can set themselves apart by actually having a purpose. That's not on might get some cloud back for this, but I mean, there's definitely value and being cute and gorgeous and having that all over social media, but to actually. Have something that like a project you're really focused on or passionate about or something that's like more, I think that's, what's going to have longevity and sustainability and being cute will only last so long. And you need to be investing in whatever that future looks like for long-term sustainability. And I think there there'll be a ton of success in that. So I think for anybody who is looking to set themselves apart as an influencer, Maybe do start that brand you've always wanted to do maybe, um, just, just show something that's authentic to you other than. Something just like not tangible and that you can just easily swipe by, you know, like something that actually has legs.
francene:Oh my God. For sure. I know. Um, sometimes it's so bad. Like the amount, I don't know how you are, but sometimes I find if I'm scrolling through Instagram, that's like my main platform. I'm like, oh my God, it's been 20 minutes. What have I done with my life? But I've just been scrolling, but I will say, um, and I was telling my. And he's not into social media owl. He's not on it. He's not interested and I'm the opposite, but I was showing him some videos and I'm like, damn, like some of these just like quick, you know, reels or quick story. They're like a production for. Like people influencers and it is sometimes it's really impressive. Like this could literally be a movie I'm like, they need to get more credit. There needs to be like Instagram awards. Cause it's, it's like impressive how they just put it together. But it's um, to your point, it's, um, it is much harder to kind of set yourself apart because there's so many people out there,
juliana:especially if like the whole influencer bubble. One day, a business or something you're passionate about a philanthropy. Just anything that you that's authentic to you that you've been working on. That doesn't just happen. I think that's going to be great for people. Oh, for sure.
francene:Um, so, um, going back to, you know, the mix of LA in New York, I'm sure you have a lot of different fashion influences. Um, what are your kind of go-to favorite brands?
juliana:Yeah, I was just telling somebody today, I guess there's different brands for different things in LA I'm way, way more athlete her and laid back. And I am probably an aloe yoga and 90% of the time I am obsessed with Allo. You can wear it with anything anywhere, and they even have like ready to wear. Now they have like really chic jackets and coats and sweaters, and I really, really love aloe. And then to go out, I like princess Polly white Fox. Oh, Polly. Just kind of some nicer clothes. Yeah. I really also loved stacks it's problem, obviously. But, um, yeah, I would say those are some of my, let me brands out here and then in New York, Also in a lot of aloe in New York, but it's like black Allo. Oh yeah.
francene:Oh my God, for sure. Um, and what about, um, makeup? Like, do you mix it up depending on where you are and do you change your makeup loop depending on where you are or are you kind of every day is the same kind of style.
juliana:Every day is the same. I unfortunately don't know how to do anything crazy with my face. So it's pretty much the same. I am obsessed with Charlotte Tilbury, like ton of ton of Charlotte Tilbury. And then my friend just launched her name's Jordan, Michelle. She launched a beauty line called by Jordan Michelle, and it has like the best mascara and lash extenders. So that's been my go-to mascara ever since she launched it a few months ago. It's amazing. So pretty, yeah, pretty much stayed the same. And don't really venture out much with my makeup.
francene:I need to, um, I will definitely look up that brand. I'm just about to run out of mascara and I always try and use a different brand that I've never used before. Um, but Charlotte Tilbury, I typically will always go back to especially, um, Pillowtalk the lips.
juliana:Yes. My favorite
francene:it's actually amazing. Like a part of me was kind of gang. Um, A bit like I'd roll my eyes and be like, why is everyone talking about this lipstick? And then I, I was like, fine. One day, I think they had like a salon or a discount. I was like, fine, I'm going to buy it. And I was like, why did I didn't I buy this sooner? It is amazing.
juliana:Well, like you never want to do that thing. That's so trendy. But then when you say, I know why it's trending out and then people call it the thing, the same thing about that airbrush powder that they have is like, how was this powder going to make me look. It makes you look airbrushed. It is amazing. Charlotte Tilbury is queen of
francene:everything. Yeah, genius. I just bought, um, it's a Jill one. I think it's the bronzer and the highlighter. I forgot what it's called, but anyway, I just bought it the other day and it is great. Oh God. It's. Um, so yes, I think I've spoken about pillow talk and every single one of my podcasts, to be honest, I'm hoping like everyone's bought it by now. If you haven't can respond to this girl. Um, so you also have a podcast called behind the media. Um, so tell me what was your motivation to start that and how's that been going? And, um, yeah. Tell me more about.
juliana:I'm so excited to talk about that. It is so new. It was something that I never thought I was going to get into, but obviously having all these friends that are in the industry and on the brand side and on the influencer side, on our entrepreneurial side, we always have such good conversations. And I'm like, just with the people, like actually, no, I could have this insane podcast just with like my close network of friends. Right. So behind the media is basically going behind the media, whether it's a celebrity brand or business, somebody in the background is working their magic to tell that story. And that's a publicist. We do that, but it's not obvious. It's very behind the scenes. Sometimes you don't even know that it's happening. And so I started this podcast to take people behind the media. Uncover the bullshit behind it, you know, tell the truth, how the industry works and give them a little sneak peek into other people's industries. So you're basically like shadowing somebody for an episode. So, so far I've had, um, Connor Saley from the bachelor and Mike Jojo. They have this company Waterboy, so they came on and told us all about starting a business. And then I had destined Kendrick also from the bachelor. He has an organization called guaranteed karma. That's just really focused on volunteering. So he talked about that and soon we're going to have an episode with the vice president of marketing at Playboy magazine. We have a Shea from Vanderpump rules coming up. So we have all these like fun and interesting people. And they're just giving these sneak peaks on their lights and the shows they do the work they do. And it stuff that's like really not out there that you're always wondering about these people and I'm doing it in like a comfortable way for them to share. And so it's really exciting.
francene:That's amazing. And I love the fact you're having all of those types of conversations. Cause I think. Again, going back to like this kind of celebrity, like in the public eye. I think you always assume everything's great all the time. It's easy. Things just happen. But I think to hear, you know, how it is, how, how, you know, kind of working on your brand, like building a company. Um, I think it's just awesome. Um, I recently interviewed a model in Dallas, um, And she has done like runway, um, you know, and other kinds of shoots, but she was telling me, she's like, it's not what you think. She's like, most of the time you don't get paid for runway. She's like, secondly, it's just more, you're trying to put yourself out there. And she's like, I really rely on like catalog modeling and I never knew. I was like, oh my gosh, you would never know. She's like, yeah, it's, it's really not what people think it is so
juliana:interesting. Yeah. Whether it's not glamorous or absolutely is, or like you see this beautiful thing on TV and then someone's actually like, no, that was like the worst day on this. And it's just so fascinating to talk to these people. That's
francene:awesome. Why I'm looking forward to all the future episodes. So everyone, you really need to go, go find this it's I'm behind the media. And, um, okay. So I will typically ask all of my guests, um, what beauty means to them. So I will ask the same of you.
juliana:Totally. So I think there's obviously so many different ways to, to categorize beauty, but I really think that it's finding appreciation. And something and just kind of like getting sparked by something, whether it's a person or an object or art, or just scenery, just finding that moment, that's just like takes your breath away. I think that's what beauty is to me. And I think that on the more kind of. It's like a, an actual traditional beauty side. I I've worked in the beauty industry for a while. So I think for a more granular approach, it's something that you find in yourself that you can also accentuate outwardly like makeup, fashion, cosmetic treatments, and just kind of enhance something based on like, what you find is like aesthetically beautiful. I love
francene:that. Um, and actually I do have one more question before we go into quickfire round, if you don't mind. Um, so going back to what you originally said, and I was also, I'm still obsessed with E entertainment. Do you see that still being part of your future, even though, you know, you've kind of created this PR company you're continuing there, but do you still kind of have that craving for the presenting side and getting kind of in front of the camera?
juliana:You know what that's such a good question. No, one's really asked me that in a while I have really, really enjoyed being behind the scenes. And, but I did think a part of that does interest me if it's the right thing. Like if it's something I used to want to be on all of these reality TV shows when I was in high school and college and. Like actually being an adult now I'm getting approached for every single one. And I'm saying no, because it's just, I have all these friends, like if I wanted to be on a show, I probably could just throw all my friends have that have been on these shows. You know, if they just put a word in and it's just like, not really appealing anymore. Which is crazy how something you could want so bad. It's just not something you want anymore at all, because I'm really just focused on my business. And like we said, longevity, like I can be on TV and be cute for three months. I can like grow this business. That's going to be a legacy for my family one day. And so that's really where my focus is right now. But if it was something like Bethany, Frankel love her, she, all of these amazing like business and entrepreneurial oh
francene:downstairs. I love the popcorn.
juliana:Yes. See, she's like doing the down thing. So something like that, if it was like shadowing, shadowing, publicists, or like selling sunset, like that's cool. Like something like that. If they did that with VR, like that would be so fun would totally do that in a heartbeat girl. You need to create a. I know. Yeah. I started on that behind the media. Can, it can be called
francene:that. Right. That's kind of more, I was, um, thinking just when we were talking about the podcast and, you know, even just kind of doing that and like interviewing people and like essentially you're doing it. It's just not being filled. Right.
francene:but, uh, anyway, um, that's awesome. I'm really look, I'm sure there's going to be so much more for you in the future and I'm looking forward to, um, watching and, um, kind of seeing from the sidelines, but, um, that's awesome. Um, all right, so let's go on to the quick fire rounds. Um, so just say the first thing that pops into your head. So favorite
juliana:cocktail. Margarita margarita. Oh,
francene:um, who would play you in a movie?
juliana:Emma Roberts.
francene:Oh, um, most used emoji,
juliana:the laughing face. I love it.
francene:If you were a sex and city character,
juliana:who would you be? Samantha. Oh my God. Then I said that like before you finished.
francene:Do you know, every time I hear anyone that works in PR, I automatically think of Samantha Jones and I'm like, you must be a bad-ass
juliana:she's an inspiration to us all. How?
francene:Yes. Oh, I know. Trust me. I feel like we all need a bit more Samantha Jones and us in general. We do. Um, okay. If you could only pick two skincare products, what would they be?
juliana:Definitely a lotion because we can't be out here with dry faces. This include makeup. You can
francene:include makeup, of
juliana:course. Okay. So lotion and mascara. I
francene:love it. Um, and if you could be anyone for one day, who would you be? Kim Kardashians. How? Yes, I know I would give anything to be behind the scenes there and just go into a closet and I would just try on. Everything. And then I would go to Dolce and Gabbana and buy everything
juliana:by all. We would beat him by everything, put it in our homes and then not become,
francene:yes, I would take everything. That's how I'd spend the day. Um, okay. So what is your life motto or positive phrase or, um, something you kind of live by daily?
juliana:Is this podcast, do I have, can I
francene:curse? Of course you can. Yeah. Fuck it. I love
francene:I love it. That is the best. Um, well, Hey, thank you so so much. I really appreciate this conversation and Juliana Martens. So for everyone listening, please go check out 11, 11 media relations. I'm also Juliana Martins on Instagram. Uh, with her website and then also please check out the podcast behind the media, but, um, thank you so much. And for everyone out there, fuck it. Just go with it.
juliana:Thank you. So amazing chatting with you. I've had so much fun.
francene:Thank you so much. I really, really appreciate it.